Thursday, October 18, 2012

A prayer for St. John's Church

Bless, O Lord, this parish, and grant that Thy Name may be worshiped here in truth and purity, to all generations.  Give Thy grace and wisdom to our Clergy, that they may exercise holy discipline, and be themselves patterns of holiness, simplicity, and self-denial.  Bless all who worship here; take from us all pride, vanity and self-conceit, and give to us true humility and self-abasement.  Enlighten our minds, subdue our wills, purify our hearts, and so penetrate us with Thy Spirit, and fill us with Thy love that we may go forth animated with earnest zeal for Thy glory; and may Thy living Word so dwell within our hearts that we may speak with that resistless energy of love which shall melt the hearts of sinners to the love of Thee.  Open, O Lord, the hearts and hands of Thy people, that we may be ready to give and glad to distribute to our necessities.  Bless the founders and benefactors of this parish, and recompense them with the riches of Thine everlasting kingdom, for Jesus Christ’s sake.  Amen.